Module E – Board Planning and Support, and Governance Disclosures


Module Summary:

Module E will be primarily aimed at Company Secretaries and other individuals that are responsible for their company’s governance policies, structures, and public disclosures.

It will begin by looking at how to organise the board’s time effectively through efficient agenda planning. This includes working with the supervisory board’s chair to ensure that there is sufficient coverage of all key topics, the frequency and timing of supervisory board meetings, and how to organise the board’s forward schedule. This will also include the quality and timeliness of the papers that the supervisory board receives.

It will take a practical look at the role of the Company Secretary and how to ensure that they function effectively in the role, for the benefit of the supervisory board and company as a whole. This will include looking at:

  • The position of the Company Secretary in the organisation, including their function, , resourcing, reporting and accountability lines;
  • Supporting the supervisory board and its committees, including through ensuring the optimal use of its time and good information flows to the supervisory board;
  • Preparing, organising, conducting, and record keeping of board and committee meetings;
  • Ensuring compliance with relevant regulations, including supporting disclosures and shareholder communications;
  • Periodic reviews of the corporate governance practices and policies of the company;
  • Supporting the supervisory board’s annual evaluation / self-evaluation exercise.

The module will conclude with a look at how to report on compliance with the HANFA/ZSE corporate governance code, including the use of “comply or explain”,.